Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Role of Ruling and Opposition Party in the policy making process of the parliament of Bangladesh: A study on Broadcasting policy

by Tamanna Humayra
Law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through socialinstitutions to govern behavior. Laws can be made by legislatures through legislation, theexecutive through decrees and regulations, or judges through binding precedents. Privateindividuals can create legally binding contracts, including arbitration agreements that exclude the normal court process. The formation of laws themselves may be influenced by a constitution and the rights encoded therein. The law shapes politics, economics, and society in various ways and serves as a social mediator of relations between people.

Legislation is the basic function of Bangladesh JatiyoShangshad. The Constitution of thePeople’s Republic of Bangladesh has vested exclusively all the legislative powers of theRepublic to Parliament. The law making process of Bangladesh parliament is initiated primarily by the Member of Parliaments (MPs) submitting a notice to parliament secretary for seeking permission to raise a bill. Subsequently, crossing various stages, it passes by the parliament as a law and ends with the ascent of the President. After following various stages and long procedure, the bill turn into law and publishes officially as a Gazette. The broadcasting policy 2014 is a recent example of new law, it has maintain many process in the parliament. This article is intended to explain theprocedural aspect of law making of broadcasting policy in Bangladesh.

Problem statement:
The role of ruling and opposition party in the policy making process in the parliament of Bangladesh: A study on broadcasting policy-2014.

Review of Literature:
There has no specific research and article conducted on law making process of broadcasting policy. But a small number of studies have been conducted on law making process in the parliament of Bangladesh. In  the article “law making process in Bangladesh parliament”Saleh Abu (2013) studies the law process making of the parliament and discusses the steps of the law making process.[1]
“National Broadcast Policy-2013, (For Stakeholders and Mass People Comments)” a draft of broadcasting policy which discusses the role of mass media and government’s role and policy about the mass media.[2]
Gazette National Broadcasting Policy-2014 published from Information ministry which elaborately explain the motive of broadcasting policy. This gazette help me to understand the national broadcasting-2014.[3]

Objective of the study:
Ø  To know the law making process of broadcasting policy in parliament of Bangladesh.
Ø  To Identify the role of ruling and opposition party to make a policy in the parliament.
Ø  To know about Broadcasting policy and the process to make it.

Research question:
1. How does the broadcasting  policy is passed in the parliament of Bangladesh?
2. Is opposition party can make any significantrole to make a policy?
3. Is the broadcasting policy can facilitate to flourish the mass media?

Scope of the study:
The area of the study is the law making process of the parliament of Bangladesh. Among all the policy making process this study only focus on the broadcasting policy and the process of making this broadcasting policy.

Methodology of the study

Sources of data:
Most of the data are used from secondary sources. Secondary source includes relevant books, journals, articles and relevant reports. Some newspaper report helps me to prepare my study and the report published from the some organization such as TIB, Human Right Organization provide me information which facilitate me to make my study more informative and meaningful.

Limitation of the study:
There are some problem which I faced during the completion of the study. These problems have comes towards me as the limitation of the study. The limitation of the study as follows:

1.Time constraints are the main problem to complete the study.
2. Lack of relevant data makes a limitation for me to prepare this study.

Conceptual Framework

Law makingprocess involves series of legislativeactivities that have to follow certain specific procedures laid down by the houses’ standing orders. Thecomplexity nature of law making calls for a lot of time thus much time of the parliament is consumed in theprocess.

New law:
New law can replace the other related law. In the new law can be included more new things than before and it can be added many things from the old law. Recently government made few new laws, from these laws we can give an example like Broadcasting Policy 2014.

Law Making Process in Bangladesh:
Among various functions of legislature, law making is a lengthy and to some extend complexprocess. Ceremoniously it is initiated as a form of Bill by the executive or individual member(for Private Bill) in the house. Before submitting a Bill in theparliament, it follows some pre legislative procedure like; drafting, policy development andcabinet approval .These all pre legislative activities are involved in Pre Legislative Phase. Inthe house, a Bill passes through three distinct stages which are known as Legislative Phase.[4]
In parliamentary parlance these three stages usually known as first reading (the title of thebill is announced), second reading (discussion on the principles of the bills takes place) andthird reading (motion is moved to pass the bill) respectively (Jahan and Amundsen, 2012).[5]
 Anew stage in the legislative phase, called the committee stage, is also now frequently referredto in many parliaments. This stage came into existence in Bangladesh when the seventhparliament set up a special committee, composed of members belonging to both ruling andopposition parties, to review all bills referred to the JS (Ahmed, 2002).[6]
There is a anotherphase named Post Legislative Phase which involve the ascent of President and the publicationof gazette notification. Considering the above mentioned procedures it is seen that the lawmaking process of Bangladesh devised into three broad phases:
1.      Pre Legislative Phase,
2.      Legislative Phase and
3.      Post Legislative Phase.[7]
Steps of law making:
There are many things to make a law but in my written article I mentioned only the usualprocesses.
·         Ministerial decision: It’s the first step of law making because when the ministry feelsany problem in his/her sector at that time he/she wants to make a new law or amendingan act. Therefore he has to make an agenda.
·         Cabinet for approval of proposal: After that the ministry presents the agenda to thecabinet meeting and they are discussing about, what should include? Or what is theproblem in there? Then cabinet approved it and gives order for making a draft(Saleh Abu,2013).[8]
·         Draft law: By following cabinet orders ministry makes a draft for this law. I think draft,which added the cabinet directions.
·         Cabinet: Then ministry presents it to the cabinet and the cabinet revises it if there is noproblem then gives the permission to send the draft to the press for publication.
·         Bill for presenting in parliament: At this stage in this draft should be added, why thislaw or amend needed and what will justification. After that it becomes a bill.
·         Discussion in parliament: There are three steps in here, 1st reading, 2nd reading and 3rdreading.
1st reading: It’s the time of bill issue in parliament. In the 1st reading parliament provides the copy of bill to every parliament member.
2nd reading: The parliament sends it to the parliament standing committee. If they want tochange or recommend anything they can do it. In this stage they can call the law expert and they can consult with them. After that committee send back the bill to the parliament.
3rd reading: Then the parliament decides about recommend of parliament standing committeeEither parliament accepts it or ignores it(Saleh Abu,2013).[9]

·         Parliament passes the law: Then parliament passes the bill by permitting majorityparliament member.
·         President: After that it sent to the president for his assent. After assenting it becomeslaw. If president wants to change something he returns it and request to the parliament.Parliament can send it for the second time with change or no change. President should beassigned it within 15 days. If he doesn’t do it, it will be permitted automatically as a law.When the president has assented, or is deemed to have assented to a Bill passed by the parliament it shall become law and shall be called an act of parliament. (Saleh Abu,2013).[10]

A private Member’s Bill is one promotedby an Individual Member of Parliament (MP) from any political party, as opposed to thegovernment or, alternatively a matter which the government has been unable to fit into itslegislative program but will subsequently adopt and provide time and support for the passageof the Bill (Barnett, 2006).
National Broadcasting policy 2014 of Bangladesh:
Bangladesh cabinet approved the National Broadcasting Policy 2014 on 04 August 2014 to monitoring news, programs, advertisement, talk-show in the television and Radio. Electronic media cannot broadcast any false, baseless information, in their news and programs.Cabinet Secretary Musharraf Hossain said the National Broadcasting Policy was made to ensure freedom of speech, free flow of information, social responsibilities, and flourishing independent mass media. The National Broadcasting Policy 2014 of Bangladesh will implement through an independent broadcasting commission. The Independent broadcasting commission of Bangladesh would form within short time, cabinet secretary said(Gazette of national broadcasting policy,2014).
Prime Minister Bangladesh Defends National Broadcasting Policy 2014 Bangladesh PM has defended the national broadcasting policy saying the decision to make a media guideline and the broadcasting policy was not made in a day. She said that it was put on the government website and was amended according to the people suggestion. Sheikh Hasina said that her government would not have opened up the media to the Private Sector if her government did not believe in the freedom of the press.[11] The National broadcasting Policy 2014 of Bangladesh restricts the followings in News and Programs :
v  Ridiculing the national ideas and objectives,
v  Undermining any people
v  Harm the unity and independent of Bangladesh
v  Spark Separatism and unrest
v  Create hatred amount different castes, creeds and religions
v  Personal privacy,
v  Impede the state security
v  Hurt religious values and non-communal spirit
v  News on any country which would be harmful to other countries
v  Encourage mutiny, anarchy and violent acts
v  Inspire corruption directly or indirectly
v  Ridiculing the Armed Forces and the law-enforcement agencies.[12]

The National broadcasting Policy 2014 of Bangladesh restricts the followings in Advertisement :
v  Advertising company will have to restructure significantly to follow the policy, which bans direct or indirect inclusion of the Liberation War, the Language Movement and the Independence Day.
v  Cannot broadcast any advertisement without obtaining clearance certificate
v  Nationally important establishments of Bangladesh such as:  Parliament building, Prime Minister’s Office, President Office-Cum Residence Bangabhaban, court, cantonment, ShaheedMinar and the national mausoleum cannot be shown in advertisement.
v  Professional advice should be avoided in advertisement
v  Advice & identity of doctors cannot be used in advertisement of medicines and healthcare products
v  Health and sexual health products cannot be aired(Gazette of National Broadcasting Policy,2014).[13]

Data analysis and findings

Law making process of broadcasting policy:
There are many things to make a law but in my written article I mentioned only the usual processes.
·         Ministerial decision: It’s the first step of law making because when the ministry feels any problem in his/her sector. When ministry feels the demands and needs of the people, administrator make a framework by their technical skill, knowledge and experience.
The ministry of information makes a policy framework in 2011 for reviewing the broadcasting policy[14]
Cabinet for approval of proposal: After the making of the framework of broadcasting policy the ministry presents the agenda of broadcasting  to the cabinet meeting and they are discussing about, what should include? Or what is the problem in there? Free flow of information, flourishing independent mass media, freedom of speech is main aspect of this policy. Then cabinet approved it and gives order for making a draft.
·         Draft law: By following cabinet orders ministry makes a draft for this law. To make draft of national broadcasting policy the government make a committee consists of 16 members in 1st November 2012. This committee includes reporters and journalists of print and electronic media, university teachers, representatives of NGOs, representatives of law ministry and representatives of information ministry. They make the draft by examining and researching the nearest country’s policy.[15]
Draft of the broadcast policy was published in the website for the mass people on 5thSeptember 2013 to collect the opinion of the people. It was presented on the website until 21days.Association of TV channel warns article- 19, TIB, NGO Network for communication, Computer Shomiteand different and newspaper give their opinion.
·         Cabinet: Then ministry presents it to the cabinet and the cabinet revises it. On 12th June 2014 this draft has been send to the parliamentary standing committee of information ministry. Cabinet standing committee was examine the draft and recommended this policy by considering some issues.
·          When people know about this policy opposition party and mass media reject it. Mass media called it will curtail the freedom of mass media and restrict the flow of information.
·         Bill for presenting in parliament: At this stage in this the draft of broadcasting policy should be added, why this policy needed and what will justification. Government want to revise broadcasting policy to monitor the broadcast to telecast false news and give them some new laws and regulation After that it becomes a bill.
·         Discussion in parliament: After that bill issue in parliament. In the 1st reading parliament provides the copy of bill to every parliament member. Every members of parliament in respective of ruling and opposition party have the right to read the broadcasting policy bill.

2nd reading: The parliament send it to the parliament standing committee. If they want to change or recommend anything they can do it. In this stage they can call the law expert and they can consult with them. After that committee send back the bill to the parliament. Parliamentary standing committee enrich the broadcasting policy act.

3rd reading: Then the parliament decides about recommend of parliament standing committee. After that by the rules of business- 1996, by considering the opinion of Ministry of Public Administration, Telecommunication Department, Finance Departmentthe draft of Broadcasting policy was submitted to the cabinet on 04th August 2014.[16]
·         Parliament passes the law:  Opposition party opposed this policy but this policy get majority vote by the ruling party. Then parliament passes the bill by permitting majority of parliament member.

President: After that it sent to the president for his assent. After assenting it becomes law. President approved iton 4th August 2014 without any change and it becomes broadcasting policy 2014. [17]

BNP reaction on National Broadcast Policy 2014:
BNP could not raise their voice in the parliament about broadcasting policy because of their minority of seat in the parliament.Dr. Mayeen Khan, Standing Committee Member of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) said National Broadcasting Policy 2014 a black law to control media. BNP’s official reaction on the much talked National Broadcasting Policy 2014 in a press conference in Gulshan office of BNP Chairperson on August 5, 2014. BNP demanded cancellation of Bangladesh National Broadcasting Policy 2014. [18]

Journalist reaction:
Journalists Protest against National Broadcasting Policy of Bangladesh A section of Journalists of Bangladesh demonstrated in front of National Press Club on August 5, 2014 for cancellation of National Broadcasting Policy 2014. Association of Television Channel Owners (ATCO) wants independent broadcasting commission ATCO urges the government not to implement National Broadcasting Policy 2014 until broadcasting commission is formed.[19]

Gazette of broadcasting policy:
The information ministry has issued the gazette notification of the National Broadcast Policy 2014 on Thursday on August 06.The information ministry Senior Assistant Secretary AkhtaruzzmanTalukder has signed the gazette notification.
On Tuesday, journalist leaders have claimed they have been betrayed with the recent Broadcast Policy-2014.On the same day, BNP has called upon the government to cancel the newly approved national broadcast policy.On Monday, the cabinet gave its final approval to the draft of National Broadcasting Policy.

In Bangladesh it is seen an increasing tendency to make law through ordinance in variousparliament which undermined the importance of the parliament. Besides there is a very little opportunity to introduce Private member Bills in the parliament as it is controlled and, in some cases discouraged in the name of party discipline. Even when the Private member Bills were introduced, there are very few examples of this crossed various stages and become law.

Most of the Law making process of Bangladesh serve the interest of ruling party as like broadcasting policy. Government makes some effective rules and regulation for flourishing the print and satellite media. On the other hand in some cases it serve the interest of ruling party. Law should be made which establish and ensure the right of the people and the citizen of the country. It is necessary to ensure the right of the people to collect all Information without any restriction and protection. So government should make information available to the citizen.

Based on the above discussion it is clear that broadcasting policy 2014 is an effective policy whichensure freedom of speech, free flow of information, social responsibilities, and flourishing independent mass media.
Mass media is the main interest group of this policy, theyare directly involved with the broadcasting policy. But Government did not consult with this type of interest group and take policy without the consideration of their interestand demand. Government should consult directly with the member of journalist association and reflect their opinion and consultation as soon as possible in the broadcasting policy.

Freedom of speech, free flow of information, social responsibilities, and flourishing independent mass media are the main objectives of this policy And these will implement through an independent broadcasting commission. An independent broadcasting commission is an independent body of the government but it will be liable to the government. This commission will work freely in their area but this commission was not formed still now. It is necessary to form an independent broadcasting commission to properly implement the policy.

Opposition party  is one of the main machinery of the government  which positively or negatively judge the government’s work. But in the broadcasting policy opposition party’s opinion could not consider. Government could not accept any consultation from them. It makes a negative impact on the policy. Government should accept the view and opinion from opposition party.

Civil society is one of the most important actors of this policy. The viewsand assessment of civil society makes a policy more enrich. But civil society’s opinion could not reflect in the broadcasting policy. It is necessary to the government to reflect the opinion of the civil society in the broadcasting policy.


2.Bangladesh Gazette.(August 6,2014).Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. Information Ministry.
3.Natun News, (05th August , 2014), http://natunnews24.com
4. Amar Desh(10 June, 2015)
6. The daily Star (24.10.2011)

7. National Broadcast Policy (2013) Draft. People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

[1]Saleh Abu (June 2013). “law making process in Bangladesh parliament”
[2]National Broadcast Policy (2013) Draft. People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
[3]Gazette National Broadcasting Policy (2014). People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
[4], 5,6,7Saleh Abu (June 2013). “law making process in Bangladesh parliament”

[8],9, 10Saleh Abu (June 2013). “law making process in Bangladesh parliament”

[11]Natun News, (1st, August, 2014), http://natunnews24.com
[14]The daily Star (24.10.2011)
[15]Amar Desh (01.06.2012)
[16]Natun News, (05th August , 2014), http://natunnews24.com
[17]Natun News, (o6th August, 2014), http://natunnews24.com
[18]Natun News, (o8th August, 2014), http://natunnews24.com
[19] Amar Desh(10 June, 2015)

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